DIY Anti-Aging Hand Cream

Hand skin is affected by various factors: prolonged exposure to sun and cold, dense use of detergents. Cream gives you young skin, moisturized, healthy and beautiful, and the new and advanced formulations can help reduce pigmentation spots and wrinkles, giving hands look younger. You must always use gloves when doing various chores as dish detergents, cleaning solutions and hot water are very harmful for the skin of your hands. Exposure to cold dry them beyond measure, and the use of specific creams is not enough to keep them soften.

Most of us are concerned about skin care wrinkles and delaying as long as possible, but do not pay attention to as high hands, which, unfortunately, are the first to show signs of aging. Hands are “abused” daily all kinds of negative factors: temperatures (whether it is summer or it’s winter), detergents dish containing chemicals, soaps we use home or office water too hot and even own our care ritual incomplete. Winter hand care is not just the use of specific creams, but also the application of treatments carried out in the house! Experts say that neglect their hands can lead to premature aging (certainly, you saw women still beautiful face, but with wrinkled hands that betray their age!).

To avoid this problem we must take more care of hands. When the skin begins to leave your hands, you should use a cream that stimulates collagen production and restores skin elasticity. Find ingredients such as retinol, but be careful not to include too much because you might end up with irritation. Prominent veins are another problem that women no longer infants often face. The only way to cover the signs of aging are corrective creams with a high hiding power. The only downside is that you have to reapply every time you wash your hands. Dry skin is found to be extremely unpleasant. So it is advisable to use a daily exfoliating cream gently and moisturization. Being exposed to various actions that assault, hands skin becomes sensitive and can dry quickly.

Most of us are concerned about skin care wrinkles and delaying as long as possible, but do not pay attention to as high hands, which, unfortunately, are the first to show signs of aging. Experts say that neglect their hands can lead to premature aging. To avoid this problem we must take better care of hands. Hand to provide care and more complete hydration and prevent their premature aging, use this miracle ointment.

First dissolve in one liter of warm water 2 tablespoons of salt and hold hands in this solution for 10 minutes.

Then wipe hands with a towel and brush with an ointment consisting of:
1 egg yolk,
1 tablespoon honey and 1 tablespoon oil.
After 20 minutes wash hands with warm water.
The effect is stunning : skin becomes smooth and elastic, and cracks will disappear.

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